V r what V eat


Self contained reality coexist within ourselves – V r what V eat – I will be looking through animals & possibly humans too 😀 and together we will find out how do they look like beyond the skins if we just look at what they eat … ur feed back / suggestions / will be appreciated !!!
(an ongoing project of 10 images )

V r what V eat


Self contained reality coexist within ourselves – V r what V eat – I will be looking through animals & possibly humans too 😀 and together we will find out how do they look like beyond the skins if we just look at what they eat … ur feed back / suggestions / will be appreciated !!!
(an ongoing project of 10 images )

V r what V eat


Self contained reality coexist within ourselves – V r what V eat – I will be looking through animals & possibly humans too and together we will find out how do they look like beyond the skins if we just look at what they eat … ur feed back / suggestions / will be appreciated !!!
(an ongoing project of 10 images )